Interact Clubs from Aquinas, Caledonia, Central, Holmen, Logan, Onalaska & West Salem have been working together to fight hunger in our communities since 2015! Help us make a difference in our local communities! Please help us by donating dry goods off at Logan on 11.2.24!Items Needed:Peanut ButterCanned fruits in juiceCanned meatsBeans (baked, pork & beans, black beans)Pasta sauce Pasta (whole wheat please)Rice (brown preferred)Cereal, oatmeal, or pancake mixesCanned soupsShampoo & bar soapsDiapers & baby wipesLaundry soapPet foodKwik Trip gift cardsInteract is the high school equivalent of Rotary and has a mission of bringing together young people to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. The Interact Clubs are student-led organizations with Rotarian & teacher advisors overseeing projects and meetings. There are seven active Interact Clubs in the Greater La Crosse region. They offer both joint and individual service needs to the surrounding communities and internationally.
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